The All Dance Open Pom Pon modality incorporates a wide range of styles and techniques, with a key feature being the use of pom-poms in the hands for at least 95% of the routine. This modality must include motions (characteristic arm movements), jumps (cheer or dance style), acrobatics, and, most importantly, energy, precision, and clarity in the execution of the routine.

The routine should be dynamic and effective, focusing on musicality, the use of low, medium, and high levels, as well as formations and transitions that are clear at all times. The use of space and various directions is also essential.

This modality emphasizes proper individual or group execution, synchronization, uniformity, and visual effects, which are key elements in the choreography’s composition. Utilizing sequences and canons enhances the routine.

Choreographic Guidelines:

  • A single song or a mix may be used.
  • The tempo of the songs can be chosen by the choreographer.
  • Themes are open to free choice.
  • Costumes are open to free choice.
  • Pom-poms can be of any color but must not shed fragments or materials on the stage during or after the performance.
  • A fusion of styles and modalities is permitted within the routine and mix (e.g., pop music with jazz, jazz with urban styles, disco and rock, or solely pop, dance, or urban/commercial music).
  • A maximum of 4 acrobatic elements is allowed. Floor-supported acrobatic elements must be executed without pom-poms in hand, while aerial elements can be performed with pom-poms.

Acrobatics are defined as any movement involving hip rotation over the head. Two or more consecutive acrobatic elements count as a single element.

  • Footwear must align with this modality. Jazz shoes (with or without laces) and dance paws are allowed. The use of half-soles, socks, or sports shoes is not permitted.
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